Aleurodicus disperses Russell, field image
Nomenclature [Martin, 1999: 18]:
Aleurodicus dispersus Russell, 1965: 49-54.
Biology [Russell 1965]: Mature pupa with a copious amount of a white cottony secretion extending upward and outward from the dorsum; some fluffy, some waxy and in ribbons as long as, or longer than, width of body; a white, glasslike waxy rod arising from each compound pore, 3-4 times longer than width of body; a band of whitish, translucent, striated wax extending from ventral submargin to leaf. Nearly flat dorsally; young pupae flat but mature ones with ventral surface swollen and surrounded, a band of wax. Colorless or yellowish. Membranous. Nearly oval.
Distribution: Afrotropical: Africa: Benin [Martin 2004: 21]
[Martin 2000: 440], Cameroons [Martin 2004: 21], Congo [Martin
2004:21] [Martin, 2000: 440], Ghana [Martin 2004: 21]
[Martin 2000:440], Mauritius [Martin
2004: 21] [Martin 2000: 440], Nigeria [Martin 2004: 21] [Martin,
2000: 440], Sao Tome & Principe [Martin 2004: 21] [Martin,
2000: 440], Togo [Martin 2004: 21] [Martin, 2000:
440]; Australasian: American Samoa, Australia [Martin 2004:
21] ; Nearctic: USA (Florida [Martin 2004: 20]
[Russell, 1965:52-53] ); Neotropical: Bahamas Barbados [Russell,
1965:52-53], Ecuador [Russell, 1965:52-53], Peru [Russell 1965:52-53] , Puerto
Rico, Venezuela [Arnal 2000]
; Oriental: Maldives [Martin 2004: 21] [Watson et al 1995] [Martin,
2000: 440], Myanmar [Waterhouse 1993], Sri lanka [Martin
2004: 21] [Martin, 2000: 440], Thailand [Martin 2004: 21] [Martin, 2000:
440]; Palaearctic: Bangladesh
, Canary Islands [Martin 2004: 21] [Russell
1965:52-53], India [Martin 2004: 21] [Martin, 2000: 440].
Host: Click here for extended list.
Taxonomy [Martin 2008] [Aguiar, 1998] [Caballero 1992] [Russell1965]: Margin. Smooth, not dentate. Dorsum. Lingula is oval shape. Chaetotaxy. Two pairs of cephalothoracic setae present; caudal setae located in row of double-rimmed pores. Pores. Abdominal compound pores number only four: decreasing in size from abdominal segment 3 to segment 6, the last slightly larger than the prothoracic one, the largest approximately 45, the smallest about 28, micrometers in diameter. The 8-shaped pores in a single row from the body margin. Submarginal double-rimmed notched pores in a single row; wide-rimmed pores distributed 1 or 2 deep between septate and double-rimmed pores; wide-rimmed pores in a single row between the 8-shaped and the double-rimmed pores; septate pores present in median and submedian area of most segments, but absent from abdominal segment 1, usually absent from median area of segment 7 between pockets (1 rarely present), and absent from segment 8 anterior to but present below the vasiform orifice.
Natural Enemies: [Schmidt et al 2001] [] [Carver & Reid, 1996: 11] [Tauili"ili & Vargo, 1993] [Viggiani, 1993] [Kajita et al, 1991] [Etienne, J, Quiot, J. & Russell, L., 1991] [Yoshida & Mau, 1985] [Paulson & Kumashiro 1985] [Kumashiro et al, 1985] [Kumashiro et al 1983] [Schilder & Schilder 1928] [Evans Collection] [IWST] [Florida DPI]: Axinocymnus beneficus & A. puttarudriahi, sp.,Cheilomenes sexmaculatus Fabricius Coelophora inaequalis Fabricius, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant Curinus coeruleus Mulsant, Delphastus pusillus(LeConte), Harmonia octomaculata Fabricius, Nephaspis bicolor, N. oculatus (Blatchley), N. sp., N. roephei Gordon, Olla v-nigrum (Mulsant), Serangium maculigerum (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae); Cybocephalus sp. (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae); Acletoxenus quadristriatus (Diptera, Drosophilidae); Allograpta obliqua (Say) & Paragus serratus (Fabricius) (Diptera, Syrphidae) Encarsia guadeloupae , E. haitensis Dozier, E. lahorensis (Howard), E. luteola group & E. nigricephala , E. sophia (Girault & Dodd), E. sp. & E. tabacivora (Hymenoptera, Aphelinidae); Encarsiella sp. (Hymenoptera, Aphelinidae); Aleuroctonus vittatus (Dozier) (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae); Iridomyrmex anceps (Roger)(Hymenoptera, Formicidae); Signiphora sp. (Hymenoptera, Signaphoridae); Chrysopa sp. & Chrysoperla sp. (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae); Sympherobius barberi (Neuroptera, hemerobiidae).
Similar Species: Allied with Aleurodicus coccolobae, A.
floccissimus, and A. mirabilis having 5 pairs of compound pores and a
smooth or crenulate margin; differs with the absence of a band of
reniform septate pores below the vasiform orifice but extending between
the posterior 2 compound pores, shape of the lingula spatulate, and the
puparial margin not deflexed.